Get a Life in AZ

Welcome to our blog... You'll have fun learning about living, working and playing in the Metro Phoenix area... But we won't stop there, so come back often...!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New home asking price tops 100 Million Dollars

Hi everyone...
Well, yesterday was partly spent trying to figure out how to add our picture to the blog...
not rocket science, but certainly not within my scope, as you can see. I followed the directions but didn't seem to get the job done. Maybe today will bring more success.

I ran across a good article the other day about Donald Trumps house being sold and currently on the market for $125M. Absolutely astounding to me. But as much as I enjoyed the article I think I got as much enjoyment out of reading some of the comments others had. Capitalism at it finest?? or Not?? The link to this story is at the bottom of the page...

Today here in Arizona is going to be another warm day but the nights are cooling down nicely and the mornings are gorgeous. Time now to get out the hiking shoes and tennis racquet again.. "winter" is over. We call summer winter as the thought of going out in the heat is much like the thought of going out in the cold.. so we stay inside most of the time... but being from Illinois I would rather have the heat than the cold ANY DAY... and most people I talk to feel the same way.

We will be planting our winter grass soon. AZ does have a change of season although it is not too noticeable... with the exception of our grass. It does go brown if we don't prepare our yards for perennial winter grass and water it like crazy. I personally only plant grass in the front yard as winter grass grows very fast and lawn mowing is my next least favorite thing to do right behind shoveling snow...

Have a great day....

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Finally... WE DID IT...

Our first posting on our new blog... How exciting....

After months and months of dragging our feet and putting it off the time has come. I recently read some articles about how much fun this was to do so thought would give it a try.

My sister Linda, and I, are partners and work with RE/MAX Achievers as full service real estate agents. Although our office is in Chandler and we primarily work the SE Valley... which consists of Chandler/Gilbert/Mesa/Tempe/Queen Creek/Apache Junction/Gold Canyon and Ahwatukee, we have sold homes all over the metro Phoenix area and keep on top off all the latest happenings across the valley. Some of these will find there way here of course.

Linda and I will both be making contributions to the blog... and although you will see some real estate related topics, our primary goal is to inform and educate about what is happening in the area and make it FUN... !!! Also, Ken, who is Linda's husband, and a true genius on the computer may be persuaded to contribute tips on keeping your computer safe from virus', hackers and more. (His credentials are very impressive... so you won't want to miss some of the information he can share with you) But, our blog will evolve as we go along and get better and better with more varied and interesting topics.

We are currently working on a podcast too that will really be fun for everyone... but more on that later.
